GPS track 1

My GPS did a little better in 2010, seen here, than in 2009, when it had me flying in great swoops over the Pacific once I got half way around Kawela Bay. In this 2010 version, the only bizarre error is that 2/3 of a mile near the landing strip where it has me going along in a straight line about 130 feet in the air.

The colors supposedly indicating altitude can be used to match this map with the time profile below.
The times given on the left are Universal Standard Time; subtract 10 hours to get Hawaii Time.
Where I stopped for lunch--no forward progress from about 12:05 to 12:27--was the end of Kawela Bay, with still about a mile an d a half to go.
I'm a bit surprised to see what a steady pace I maintained until after lunch.
The apparent lack of motion from about 10:35 to 10:50 is spurious, GPS error.