Google map
This is a live Google map; zoom in or out, change map type, whatever. Google is most zoomable, but I like USGS + relief (CalTopo).
I include a variety of tracks for orientation purposes. Remove any tracks that block one of interest by clicking on their names in the Tracks: box.
For the group's Wailupe-Wiliwilinui hike 2015 we varied the beginning by taking a lower side trail that rejoined the main trail just before the Wiliwilinui turnoff. Part of the red track shows this variation (turn off Wailupe3, and perhaps the two others, for a clearer view).
At that point, three of us backtracked to re-explore a trail we had taken in June 2014 ("Wailupe3"), turning it into a bit of a loop this time. At about 11:15 (see lower profile below; expand if necessary) my GPS asked for a battery change. It took several minutes to change and for the GPS to find itself again. By that time I had reached the point where my cohorts had paused for lunch and I joined them. This results in our lunch spot being marked on the map as the righthand side clockwise of a gap in the trail at about 600 feet. Thence we headed down a trail makai and back down to the valley.

Four photos from our June 2014 outing